Interface de programmation Wankz


API ParamExpected valuesDefaultDescription
page[+integer]1Page number
limit[+integer]50Number of results returned
orderdate, views, rating, favoritesdateResults order
id[+integer]nullUnique video ID to retrieve
cats[string]nullComma-separated list of categories to filter by
channel[string]nullChannel name to filter by
search[string]nullFree-form search string
thumbsall, large, medium, smallnullIf set, result includes a list of extra thumbs
langen, de, es, fr, it, ja, pl, pt, ru, svfrLanguage filter for video titles


Default (latest) video listing (xml, json)
Video listing with extra thumbs (xml, json)
Find video by ID (xml, json)
Find videos by category (xml, json)
Find videos by channel (xml, json)
Find videos by free-form search (xml, json)
Find most viewed videos, page 2 (xml, json)
Find videos translated to Japanese (xml, json)


API ParamExpected valuesDefaultDescription
id[+integer]nullUnique video ID to check the status of


Check active video (xml, json)
Check inactive/non-existent video (xml, json)


API ParamExpected valuesDefaultDescription
page[+integer]1Page number
limit[+integer]50Number of results returned


Return latest deleted videos (xml, json)
Return 100 deleted videos, page 3 (xml, json)


API ParamExpected valuesDefaultDescription
page[+integer]1Page number
limit[+integer]50Number of results returned
orderdate, name, views, rating, favoritesnameResults order
name[string]nullName of the actor to retrieve
sexmale, female, transfemaleActors' gender to filter by


Return default (alphabetical) listing (xml, json)
Find actors by sex (xml, json)
Find actor by name (xml, json)
Find most favorited actors (xml, json)


API ParamExpected valuesDefaultDescription
page[+integer]1Page number
limit[+integer]50Number of results returned
orderdate, name, views, rating, favoritesnameResults order
name[string]nullName of the channel to retrieve
cats[string]nullComma-separated list of categories to filter by


Return default (alphabetical) listing (xml, json)
Find channel by name (xml, json)
Find top rated channels (xml, json)


This method does not accept parameters


Return list of categories (xml, json)
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